Race Angels join for 2020!
16 December 2019
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View all events16 December 2019
Jane Tomlinson’s Run For All is delighted to announce they will be teaming up with Race Angels across the half marathon and marathon events in 2020.
Race Angels are a fantastic group of volunteers that were established in September in 2015 by Adrienne Hall. Volunteers will run alongside those who want some extra support, usually around mile 11 for a half marathon and around mile 24 for a full marathon.
After taking part at the Asda Foundation Leeds Half Marathon in 2016, fantastic feedback has meant Race Angels are back across the half marathon series and the Asda Foundation Yorkshire Marathon Festival.
Race Angels was created in 2015 from the vision that the Founder, Adrienne Hall, had of having a team of runners helping at races at a certain point along a route, usually around about 1.5 miles from the end and maybe be starting to doubt whether they can make it.
Race Angels aim to run alongside those that want them to for up to ½ mile or so, to chat to and support to help them achieve their goal, then run back and help the next person. Each volunteer a runner themselves know and understand what it feels like to be at that point of the race and what support is needed.
Adrienne loves that the team, whilst helping runners, also gets a huge personal sense of satisfaction being a Race Angel, knowing at times that they have felt just how the runners on race day do, so have great empathy with them.
If you’re already signed up or planning on being a part of the Asda Foundation Sheffield, Leeds, Hull or Derby Half Marathon or the Yorkshire Marathon and 10 Mile, look out for the Race Angels in their orange t-shirts!
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